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Teilweise Hotelstrand • Weißer Sand • Türkisfarbenes Wasser • Kleine Freifläche • Zugang über Wasser • Überfüllt
4.5 Ausstattungsindex
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Teilweise Hotelstrand • Weißer Sand • Türkisfarbenes Wasser • Kleine Freifläche • Zugang über Wasser • Überfüllt
4.5 Ausstattungsindex

Letzte Bewertungen für Strände von Pulau Gilisahan

Gili Asahan Pearl Beach
6 Annie G

What have you done to Pearl Resort?! This used to be a charming spot for breakfast and coffee, nestled in a rustic garden of wildflowers with a traditional low, grass-roofed restaurant. The kitchens were discreetly tucked away. The highlight was a raised platform built around a large tree, right at the water's edge (see attached picture). It was the ideal, serene location to watch the sunrise over breakfast. Now, they've shut down this entire area and constructed an unattractive, modern restaurant made of cement and tiles. The seating arrangement forces you to sit in a long, straight line on concrete benches, and fresh fruit drinks are now prepared at the bar, making you endure the loud noise of the juicing machine echoing around this high-ceilinged monstrosity. It's a surefire way to ruin the ambiance. I can only assume the owners believe this is what holidaymakers want, but what made Pearl so appealing was its unpretentious, natural beauty. They've destroyed this and are turning Pearl into just another generic holiday resort, stripping away its soul in the process. I cannot fathom the reasoning behind this; it's truly sad to witness.